Join the World's Largest and Most Influential Marine Fuel Event

The world’s largest and most influential marine fuel event is back in person to enable the industry it has been serving over the last 20 years. Organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, the Singapore International Bunkering Conference and Exhibition (SIBCON) has a proven track record.
An unprecedented line-up of global decision makers from the shipping and bunkering community will convene to address, trade and supply chain developments, growth and commercial realities of the fuels marketplace. The event will also lay the groundwork for critical discussions digitalisation and decarbonisation and the implications for marine fuels.

Take a Glance at the SIBCON 2022 Participation

1,800+ Participants

200+ Ship Owners and Operators

60+ Countries

40+ Exhibitors

Be part of the discussions that will shape the future of the bunkering industry